Tennessee Eta
Chartered on April 20th, 1996, The Tennessee Eta of Sigma Phi Epsilon is a community of brothers that uplift, assistant, and support one another. We pride ourselves on being the closest batch of brothers on Austin Peay's campus. A chapter full of scholars, campus leaders, community employees, and lifelong friends make Tennessee Eta what it is: a home. We're located at 218 S 7th Street in Clarksville, just off of Madison Street.
Facts and Firsts
- SigEp was founded on November 1, 1901, at Richmond College.
- Over the past two decades, SigEp has recruited more men than any other collegiate fraternity.
- Currently, over 15,000 undergraduates are SigEps, more than any other national fraternity.
- Over 320,000 lifetime members ranks SigEp among the largest national fraternities.
- SigEp maintains a full-time professional staff of over 50 people.
- The SigEp Journal has been published continuously since 1904, and is distributed to all members for life.
- SigEp hosts the largest biennial convention in the fraternity world: the Grand Chapter Conclave.
- SigEp was the first national fraternity to establish a housing trust for all chapters and create a National Housing Corporation.
- Sigma Phi Epsilon has the greatest number of fraternity houses, with over 200 chapter homes. Of those, over 115 are owned by local SigEp Alumni and Volunteer Corporations.
- The Sigma Phi Epsilon Educational Foundation was the first fraternity foundation to build an endowment greater than $12 million.
- The Sigma Phi Epsilon Educational Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable foundation. Its program funding is planned to develop the scholarship, leadership, citizenship, and personal potential of college undergraduates.
Our Purpose
Our main goal is to support and mold you into the balanced man, complete with a sound mind and sound body. Our chapter of brothers is here to support and help you grow into a thoughtful, respectful, and successful gentleman.